Education/Special Needs
Books and Programs
Allman, B. Developing Character When it Counts. Torrance, CA: Frank Schaffer.
Appelbaum, Maryln. The One Stop Guide to Implementing RTI. Corwin Press. 2009.
Bender, William C. and Shores, Cara. Response to Intervention A Practical Guide for Every Teacher. Corwin Press 2007.
Chidsey-Brown, Rachel and Mark Steege. Response to Intervention: Principles and Strategies for Effective Practice. The Guilford Press 2005.
Hall, Susan L. Response to Intervention: A Principal’s Guide. Corwin Press, 2008.
Howard, Mary. RTI From All Sides: What Every Teacher Needs to Know. Heinemann. 2009
McNamara, Kathy, Ph.D. The Nuts and Bolts of RTI. Cleveland State University
DuPaul, G.L. & Stoner, G (1974) ADHD in the schools: Assessment and Intervention StrategiesNew York, Guilford Press.
Schoolwide Programs
Davis, Stan. Schools Where Everyone Belongs. American Counseling Association, 2007.
McDonald, Jill and Sally Stoker. Bullyproofing Your School. Sopris West 2008.
Reavis, H. K., Kukic, S. J., Jenson, W. R., Morgan, D. P., Andrews, D. J., & Fister, S. (1996).
BEST Practices. Longmont, CO: Sopris West Publishers.
Sprague, Jeffrey and Annemieke Golly. BEST Behavior: Building Positive Behavior Support in Schools. Sopris West, 2005.
Responding to Individual Differences in Education RIDE Sporis West 1997.
Roehlkepartain, Jolene. The BEST of Building Assets Together. Search Institute Press, 2008.
Behavior Interventions
Allen, Jeffery S. and Roger Klein. Ready, Set, R.E.L.A.X. Inner Coaching,1996
Aune, Beth and Beth Burt and Peter Gennaro. Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom. Future Horizons, 2010.
Bloomquist, Michael. Skills Training for Children with Behavior Disorders.
The Guilford Press. 1996.
Braaten, Sheldon. Behavioral Objective Sequence. Research Press 1998.
Carr, Tom. 131 Creative Strategies for Reaching Children with Anger Problems.
Youthlight Inc. 2007.
Crone, Deanne A. Robert Horner, Leanne Hawkens. Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program. The Guilford Press 2004.
House, Samm, N. Behavior Intervention Manual: Goals, Objectives and Intervention Strategies.
Jenson, William, Ginger Rhode, H, Kenton. The Tough Kid Tool Box. 1990.
Larson, Jim. Think First: Addressing Aggressive Behavior in Secondard Schools. The Guilford Press 2005.
Quinn, Patricia O. and Judith M. Stern. Putting on the Brakes: Activity Book for Kids with ADD or ADHD. Magination Press, 2009.
McConnell, Kathleen and Gail Ryser. Practical Ideas that Really Work for Students with ADHD. 2005.
Smith-Rex, Susan, Rex, James. 101 Creative Strategies for Reaching Unmotivated Student Learners. Youthlight, Inc. 2007.
Wright, Jim. RTI Toolkit A Practical Guide for Schools.
Wunderlich, Kathy Cummins. Teacher’s Guide to Behavioral Interventions. Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc. 1988.
Forms and Procedures
The Behavior Problems Resource Kit: Forms and Procedures for Identification, Measurement and Intervention. Research Press. 2010.
Cautela, Joseph, Julie Cautela, Sharon Esonis. Forms for Behavior Analysis with Children. Research Press.
Cornell, Dewey and Peter Sheras. Guidelines for Responding to Student Threats of Violence. Sopris West 2006.
McDouglas, James, Sandra M. Chafouleas and Betsy Waterman. Functional Behavioral